Energy Healing Techniques


Everything is energy….A chair, a wall, a rug, your china, a picture, a tree, a dog, the ocean, a mountain, you.  It is All energy.

All energy moves and All energy is interrelated, interconnected and interdependent.  And, everything has its own unique vibration.

Humans are an ”extraordinary” energy source in that we have evolved and been gifted with the ability to choose which energy to “call into” our lives….moment by moment, we get to choose.

If you think of yourself as “a transmitter”, with the ability to “call in” a particular frequency, then you begin to understand just how powerful you really are.  We call this frequency into our lives with our thoughts (brain), emotions (gut) and feelings (heart).  Think of your ability to do this as you might think of a radio station.  You “call in/tune in” to the station.  Each type of music/each experience of life is on a different frequency.

We “become” the energy and frequency we “tap” into.  Our energy is influenced most by our “intention”.  And, what we “intend” becomes our lives…what we “see” in our world.  We are, in essence, co-creating our lives with others and with God, the Universal source of All.

Shamanic Energy Medicine

Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice which has been carefully protected for over 5,ooo years. Indigenous cultures world wide understood the connection of one’s healed nature and the experience of infinity.

Shamans can see and feel into energy.  They live with one foot in the physical world and one in the spirit world.  Through sacred ceremony – prayer and intention – a shaman has the opportunity to help clear negative energies that may have been created by past trauma, past injuries, negative thoughts or outdated and unhelpful behaviors learned through life.  Without help clearing these energies, they remain in our mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies as imprints…causing physical illness, emotional distress, phobias, anxiety and a host of other unwanted life situations.

Shamanic cleansing is a holistic and intensive practice where we delve into the invisible realm of Mind and Spirit in order to correct imbalances.

As your energy medicine practitioner (shaman), I will work with you to help clear any “negative” energy so that you are better able to create more of what you truly want in your life. As these “imprints” are cleared, one naturally moves into a higher vibrational frequency.  When we move into higher vibrational places, it is much easier to see and experience the world in a more positive way.

Our Earth has already “shifted” to a “higher vibration”.  We All have a tremendous opportunity to raise our vibrations (through intention) and assist with the healing and movement of our world to a more loving, creative and “light filled” place.  Our children’s children and All of creation will thank us for this effort.


Chakras are energy spaces in our physical body which run from the base of your spine to the top of your head.  They are spinning wheels of light and have the great ability of taking in, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels.  When our chakras are clear, we function at a much higher vibration…more able to live healthier and loving lives.

The 7 most familiar chakras are:

  •  Root Chakra
  • Sacral Chakra
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Third Eye Chakra
  • Crown Chakra

We also have an 8th chakra which is called our Luminous Energy Field.  I’ll briefly discuss two of our chakras.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is our 4th chakra.  It resonates to the color of green.  This is the physical place in our bodies that connects us to our souls and to the energy of All That Is….the energy space where All is available to us…to co-create and bring peace, love, joy, prosperity, excellent health, and all our heart desires into our lives.  This is the space within us that allows us to live our true life…one where we can be who we really are….without judgement of ourselves or the expectations or judgements of others.  Most of us have been so conditioned to live lives based on the “story” of society or the story of the masses or our parents or our siblings or our friends that we’ve forgotten who “we” truly are.

When we’re born…and little children…we remember.  We remember the magic of life.  We remember that life is full of wonder, beauty and love.  Then, for most of us, we begin to forget.  We become separated from who we really are.  We become desensitized to our hearts and begin to follow the “rules and regs” of those with whom we’re surrounded.  We become a peg in the board….stuck there until something in life begins to rattle it loose…to “wake us up”.  It is usually something traumatic…like illness, or divorce, or depression, or a horrible addiction.  But, those things are just life’s way of “waking us up”…waking us up to go deeper and begin to find out what we really want in life.

Hearts are 5,000 times more magnetic than our brains and 100 times stronger electronically than our brain.  The emotions we feel in our hearts create a magnetic and electric charge.

Once one grasps the concept of the true value and power of our heart, our world begins to open up in a whole new way….we begin to “raise our vibration” because we are finally opening to the power of the Universe…to the power of All That Is…God…Divine Energy Source.  Our hearts have the greatest power within our physical bodies to co-create the life of our dreams….literally, of our dreams.  One of my teachers asked, “Are you the dreamer or the dreamed?”  BE THE DREAMER…be the one who is in touch with who you really are.  Be the one who is connected to All That Is.  Be the one who wakes up every day with gratitude that you are fueled by Divine Source Energy…that you are a part of All That Is…and that you can choose whatever energy you would like in your life every day.  Get back to your “real power”…get back to “the heart of the matter”.

When you get back in touch with your heart, you will begin to realize that life is easier…it’s no longer heavy….there is no judgement…not from you….not from others…because you are now residing in a place of love, of light…it is full of anything you choose to tap into from the Divine Matrix of All That Is.

Luminous Energy Field (LEF)

Our LEF is the chakra (energy space) which emanates outside of the physical body and is where all manifestation begins (The Divine Matrix)…including health, prosperity, relationships…all begins in this unique field of energy and then takes physical shape in our 3D world.  The energy found in the LEF is called into our lives through our hearts.  Our brain is a great support system to our heart.  Our heart calls in the specific energy we want to see reflected in our lives and our brain goes about helping us maneuver through our physical world.

Our LEF is also the chakra that connects us to our soul….along with the heart.

As a shaman, I will work with you to help clear your Luminous Energy Field of “stuck” or lower vibrational energy so that you are better able to draw into your life what it is you truly want….joy, love, prosperity, excellent health, more compassion…whatever you choose.

The key here is that YOU have to want to change…YOU have to want to heal.  YOU have to want a different life.  But, when you do, magical and wonderful things will begin to happen.  A whole new world will open up in front of you.  Take the journey, step in.

Feng Shui

The ancient art of placement – Brought to us over 5,000 years ago by Chinese energy workers.  In their culture, they understood that everything in our world is energy and all is interconnected.  And, since all is energy, they understood that this includes all of the objects in our homes and offices.  Not only is everything energy but everything also has its own unique vibration.  In our homes and offices, we are surrounded by and intermingle with energy – every moment of our lives.  Now, we know , that this combined energy in our lives has a huge impact on us…on our physical and mental well-being.

With my help as a Feng Shui consultant, we can make certain that your home or office has the highest energy possible…to support you and everything in your life.

Feng Shui is really very simple….by conscious placement and de-cluttering of things in our homes and offices, we allow space and energy for the things we truly want to bring into our lives.

There is a “map” used in Feng Shui.  It is called the Bagua.  This map helps one navigate the energy spaces in our homes and offices.  Within the Bagua (the feng shui map) the “heart” space is in the center…everything in our lives connects and moves through this space.  This Bagua center represents the “heart” of our lives…our connection to spirit…to God…to All That Is.  The stronger this connection, the more harmoniously all areas flow in our lives.

The objects in your homes and offices (in your physical world) “hold” energy….they have their own unique vibration.  Most objects hold the energy and feeling of the person who made it or gave it to you unless you have cleared the energy and infused it with your own.  So, it is very important for you to become more aware of what surrounds you.  Remember, that all energy flows…intermingles.  And, of course, whatever you choose to surround yourself with….objects, friends, co-workers, family….you will be intermingling with their energy.  So, choose wisely.  The purpose of consciously integrating Feng Shui into your life is to raise your and your homes vibration as high as possible.  That will provide an environment for more peace, more love, more light, more compassion, more creativity, better health.  But, the great news is….YOU get to choose.

Life Energy Coach

As a life energy coach, we will work together to make sure you are as healthy as possible…physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

For instance, I can help clear energies that may be hampering your efforts to lose weight.  Maybe you’ve tried over and over to lose weight or to have more energy to do the things you love.  We can delve into the reasons behind what might be holding you back.

We can work together to have a better understanding of a great and healthy diet…and, why you might reach for the less healthy options on a regular basis….believe me, I’ve been there!  There may very well be places in your Luminous Energy Field that can be cleared which will, in turn, help make your healthy decisions easier.

Maybe you’ve experienced the same “drama” over and over in your life?  Maybe you keep picking the same “kind” of partner or you find yourself having conversations with friends that you really wish you didn’t.  There are things we can do to help you break these patterns.

Remember, if you don’t dream your life into being, you have to settle for the nightmare being dreamed by others.

Excellent health is so much more than physical health.  I can help you open up to a whole new approach to well-being…to living well and enjoying every moment of your day.